Your reward points may be at risk once again.

Your reward points may be at risk once again.

As inflation and unaffordability remain at high rates, Canadian consumers need all the help they can get to make sure they can make ends meet or afford the things they want to do. Reward points are vital to so many of them. Unfortunately, there are those who would do away with them for their own gain.

Tired of rising gas prices? Reward points can provide relief

Tired of rising gas prices? Reward points can provide relief

Make the most of reward points this summer. Summer is in full swing, and that means driving and road trip season! However, we all know that gas prices are on the rise and affordability is hitting new lows across the country. But don’t let that get you down. Reward...

Your reward points may be at risk once again.

Post-Election Update

Our mission to protect your points continues   With the federal election over and a new government about to take power in Ottawa, we thought we should update you on our campaign to protect points and rewards. The Liberal party is expected to form a minority...

Your reward points may be at risk once again.

Lessons from Australia

Learning from the fate of points and rewards in Australia to ensure Canada doesn't make the same mistake. This election, reward points are on the line. The NDP is calling for a cap on interchange fees. This may seem like a good idea on paper, but when Australia did...

Your reward points may be at risk once again.

Talking to Consumers (Video)

Earlier this month, the CCRC hit the streets of Toronto to speak with everyday Canadians about points and rewards... Like our members, many of them were shocked to hear that NDP elected officials are considering policies which could affect access to their points and...