New Coalition to Fight for Consumer Rewards and Benefits
Canadian Consumer Rewards Coalition to serve as advocacy voice for Canadian consumers.
For Immediate Release – Monday, July 9, 2018
Toronto, ON – Today marked the launch of the Canadian Consumer Rewards Coalition (CCRC), a new advocacy group focused on protecting Canadian consumers and their hard-earned points and rewards.
A broad-based coalition representing a diverse membership with a common commitment to protecting Canadian consumers, the CCRC is dedicated to advocating for consumers’ rights, defending their hard-earned points and rewards, as well as their ability to earn future benefits from their purchases.
“More and more Canadian consumers make their purchases with an eye to collecting points and rewards. They have spent their time and hard-earned money and are entitled to the benefits they have rightfully earned through their purchases” said Elizabeth Davidson, Spokesperson for the Canadian Consumer Rewards Coalition. “Unfortunately, we are increasingly seeing developments which are not respecting consumers and putting their rewards and points at risk. The CCRC is here to advocate for protecting consumer and their hard-earned points and rewards.”
About 80 per cent of Canadian consumers with credit cards have at least on rewards card. Many Canadian consumers use rewards-based cards to make purchases, not as a line of credit, but specifically because of the rewards and points they earn making those purchases.
Those rewards and points let Canadian consumers get bigger benefits from the purchases they make, travel more frequently, as well as redeem their points and rewards for products and services like gas and groceries. The CCRC’s efforts will help protect these investments made by consumers across Canada.
About the Canadian Consumer Rewards Coalition
Founded in 2018, the Canadian Consumer Rewards Coalition (CCRC) is a private, not-for-profit organization created to advocate for the protection of Canadian Consumers’ hard-earned rewards and benefits. For more information, visit
Media Contact: Andrew Lang |